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The Art of FLIGHT - Brain Farm

Фэйт Джеффрис, Документальное, Спорт

Производитель бодрящей газировки Red Bull, удерживая монополию на крутость, анонсирует фильм The Art of Flight.

Участники: Travis Rice, John Jackson, Mark Landvik, Scotty Lago, Jake Blauvelt, Nicolas Muller, Gigi Ruf, Pat Moore

The Art of Flight' will bring snowboarding video entertainment to the next level for the 2011 - 2012 season. The Art of Flight movie follows Travis Rice, John Jackson, Mark Landvik, Scotty Lago, Jake Blauvelt, Nicolas Muller, Gigi Ruf, DCP and Pat Moore as they dream up new global adventures and progress the sport of snowboarding to unimaginable levels. From the producers of That's It, That's All, The Art of Flight snowboard DVD is the must have of this season!

10 комментариев

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Gadique — Это я