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За нож, брошенный в с трибун Акинфеева, за избитых наших
болельщиков, за
грязь и скотство словенских игроков, за
ублюдочное судейство.
занимает максимум полминуты:
1) Заходим по ссылке
2) в верхнем Subject выбираем Feedback
on National Teams’ Fixtures and Results
или Ideas, suggestions and comments for
3) В Subject пишем match Slovenia -
4) копируем текст:
We, Russian National Team fans, demands
to cancel result of the match lovenia
-Russia and to appoint replay or to
write down Slovenia technical defeat.
The bases for the protest:
1.1. A.Kerzhakov’s removal which kicked
the ball, but the judge has included it
as blow on the goalkeeper and has shown
a red card. For half an hour till the
end of a match Russia remained ten
1.2. Behaviour of attendants and
removal of Zhirkov from a field: when
Zhirkov should throw a ball, those who
should it give it, simply hastened to
give a ball, but also began to throw it
each other and to play «in the doggie»
- «Give supposedly try take away». On
matches of such level the similar
behaviour is inadmissible. Besides, the
judge, without having understood an
episode, has shown Zhirkov the second
yellow card and has removed from a
field. The Russian national team
remained nine players.
1.3. Behaviour of fans: in the
goalkeeper of the Russian national team
of Igor Akinfeev from tribunes have
thrown a knife on what he has informed
the judge — all of us saw this episode.
For such things to a command of the
home team technical defeat is awarded.
1.4. Insults to players of the Russian
national team, distributed from outside
spectators and the players of modular
Slovenia sitting on a bench.
Provocational behaviour of Slovenian
players, which wasn't noticed by
1.5. Other (at separate viewing of such
moments it is possible to find very
распостраните пожалуйста это сообщение везде, где можете. в социальных сетях, в ЖЖ, на тематических сайтах и форумах.much).
Если буду какие‑то технические вопросы обращайтесь ко мне в личку!
Заранее огромное спасибо! Давайте поможем нашей команде!
Верим в команду!!!
p.s: сейчас весь рунет взрывается такими же сообщениями, все форумы, блоги и т.д.