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Большая Тёрка / Мысли / Dj0rni / Дата выхода Postal 3, Пасхалка в Сrysis 2,EA ведет переговоры о разработке Dead Space 3


Dj0rni, Уже как бы есть опровержение насчет PS 4 Кулфейс

Yesterday we ran an article citing a Japanese interview which we read as saying that development on the PlayStation 4 has been ‘suspended’. The translation, it turns out, wasn’t entirely reliable and we’ve since heard that the actual answer that Kaz Hirai gave when asked whether we’d see the PS4 in 2011 was:

No. We’re not in a rush since the transition would be hard on developers. For now, the focus is on PS3 and NGP.

Even though we were clear about the PS4s development being temporarily set back to enable Sony to concentrate on the NGP and PS3 (and the 10 year plan) we apologise for the confusion and mistranslation, as it’s clear that the question referred to the appearance of the next PlayStation console this year, something we didn’t pick up.

Kaz Hirai did not say that PS4 development had been suspended.

So, whilst Sony apparently continue on with research and development, we won’t be hearing about anything other than PS3 and NGP in 2011.


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